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Because of technology, businesses today are constantly evolving and ever changing.

This, in turn, makes technology even more important. As data storage and management demands become tougher, technology handily addresses these challenges. Integrated Micro Systems continuously helps its clients stay ahead of the curve to prepare for present success and future viability. Stop renting office space and paying for long, expensive leases. We can host your applications and data in our secure data centers. Rent computer space from us without the risk or liability associated with long-term commitments.

Through our cloud services and hosted applications we enhance productivity while protecting our clients by:

  • Preventing power outages from disrupting business and productivity
  • Eliminating the need to purchase expensive server equipment
  • Removing costly file servers and backup solutions
  • Avoiding the need to replace aging servers

The cloud is safer, more reliable and secured than ever before. For most clients, we can take much of their content and applications off their servers, saving time, money and headaches. Our tech pros can help design cloud-based solutions to meet your specific needs.

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